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Finger numbers

Left hand fingers are named with the numbers 1-4 beginning with the index finger. Students who have previously studied piano are often initially confused by guitar fingerings because piano finger numbers begin with the thumb. The lesser used left thumb is typically notated as “T.”

Classical guitar music uses a system of right-hand fingerings. Each finger is assigned a letter derived from the Spanish word for each finger: P for pulgar (thumb), I for indice (index), M for medio (middle), and A for anular (ring).

finger names

Classical guitar music uses a system of right-hand fingerings. Each finger is assigned a letter derived from the Spanish word for each finger: P for pulgar (thumb), I for indice (index), M for medio (middle), and A for anular (ring).

On guitar directions

Referring to directions on guitar can be confusing. As a rule of thumb, always refer to direction in terms of pitch rather than physical directions. For instance: up the neck means playing a higher-sounding fret. Likewise, the high E string is the first string because it is the highest-pitched string.

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